Sunday, November 29, 2015

RL Nov 29 15


Saturday, November 28, 2015

How the Right Can Use Compassion to Out-Argue the Left RL Nov 28 15

Freedom of
BtF: the Mess, Campus, Congress, Obama, Defense, Foreign, and the Other

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Those Zany Colonists and the Nation They Built RL Nov 26 15

Thanks Giving
Freedom of
BtF: Think, Executive, Campus, Refugee, the Mes, Media, 2016, and the Others

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Why George Washington Thought the Practice of Gratitude Was Essential for the American Character RL Nov 25 15

Freedom of
BtF: Obama, Islam, Campus, Terror, Refugee, Foreign, the Mess, and the Others

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Emails show DOD analysts told to 'cut it out' on ISIS warnings; IG probe expands RL Nov 24 15

the Left
Freedom of
Below the Fold: Education, ISIS, Refugee, Campus, Think, Executive, Economics, Foreign, Islam, the Mess, Media,and the Others

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The Islamic State Will Thrive Only as Long as the US Lets It RL Nov 22 15

Freedom of
BtF:Obama, Refugee, Foreign, Climate, Campus, the Mess, Immigration, Think, Media, Economic, Clinton, Congress, and the Others

Friday, November 20, 2015

Obama's Strategic Bumbling is Theater of the Absurd RL Nov 20 15

BtF: Defense. Clinton, Campus, Executive, Refugee, Foreign, the Mess, Think, and the Others

Thursday, November 19, 2015

In Twitter Rant, Obama Doubles Down On Refugees, Refuses To Acknowledge Security Concerns RL Nov 19 15

Refugee Think

BtF:Refugee, Campus, the Mess, Think, Media, Foreign, Climate, and the Others

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

End of the West (Week of Nov. 9 15)

How Our New Definition Of Freedom Causes Cruelty
"The United States has never been an idyllic land of perfectly consistent freedom of conscience, of course, but our national narrative emphasized such freedom as the ideal by which we lived. Older American history textbooks focus on courageous figures who were willing to fight and die for the right to do their own duty as they saw it. The message is that each American must be allowed reasonable freedom to disagree with authority on matters of principle, because principles are immensely important.
That was how we once defined liberty. Now—thanks to postmodernism’s rejection of absolute truth—we moderns argue that society must define each person in whatever way he wishes, regardless of the principles of others, because principles are subjective and therefore irrelevant. In the past, freedom meant to ability to obey one’s beliefs. Now, freedom is the ability to require others to obey one’s own beliefs about oneself."
Obama’s Healthy Communities, The Antithesis Of America
Obama Signed Us Up for Global ID Cards

Where Will American Refugees Go?
"If immigration completely transforms America, where can Americans go to preserve our national identity? Nowhere. This land is our one chance.

There is nowhere else to turn for Americans who want limited government, truly free speech, the norm of personal responsibility, and Judeo-Christian Enlightenment culture. Americans don't have the option of moving to another nation and replacing that nation's culture with our own."
The First Amendment Is Dying
Is It Time To Renounce U.S. Citizenship While You Still Can?
The Forced Collective Suicide Of European Nations
 "You are witnessing what will be shown to future generations as the reason for the fall of an Empire. At current immigration levels and disappearing birth rates native Europeans are destined to become a minority in their own countries within decades. This is already the case for many of Europe's largest cities."

Obama Threatens US Intelligence and Military If They Don’t Tell Him What He Wants to Hear RL Nov 18 15

The Left
BtF: Refugee, ISIS, Politics, the Mess, Think, Freedom of, Foreign, Gun, Clinton, and the Others

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Shadow Falls on the West

Jumping Off A Sinking Ship Just To Beat The Rush - Taki's Magazine
"...People don’t tend to kill themselves unless they feel hopeless. These middle-aged “rednecks” have become the modern version of the “drunken Injun” stereotype—a vanquished and hopeless caricature that is aggressively numbing itself out of existence."

The White Working Class is in Trouble
"By all rights the white working class ought to have tumbled to this a generation ago and become rock-ribbed Republicans, but, pace the Atlantic, alcohol and opoids aren’t the only addictions corroding the white working class.

The main addiction of the white working class is that it still thinks someone owes it a living. That’s why, as late as 2012, the Joe Soptic ad helped re-elect Barack Obama."
Coliving: A Solution for Lonely Millennials?
 "Indeed, studies show that people in coworking spaces are happier and less lonely, and that their business increases because of the connections they make there. Coliving could have the same effect, Evans says, especially if people can have their social space and their private space, too."
Krugman Doesn't Understand Why "Darkness Is Spreading Over Part Of Our Society"
 "A couple of weeks ago President Obama mocked Republicans who are “down on America,” and reinforced his message by doing a pretty good Grumpy Cat impression.
 Yet there is a darkness spreading over part of our society. And we don’t really understand why."
Europe Cannot Begin Again
 "Decent Europeans are watching in real time as their nations and their entire continent go to hell. Their elected leaders are throwing away their heritage and their future. How does a nation swap out its monstrous leaders while the damage is being done? A military coup in Germany may sound ominous, but a takeover by the military would be preferable to the current chaos."

 "The greatest enemy of freedom is freedom." 

ISIS Is A Storm We May Not Weather RL Nov 16 15

Islam think
 BtF:Think, Obama, Campus, Islam, the Mess, Refugee, Foreign, Clinton, 2016, and the Others

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Paris is Only the Beginning RL Nov 15 15

11Scores killed in Paris terror attacks at six separate sites
11Paris shooting leaves 100 killed at Bataclan theatre as 3 ISIS are shot dead | Daily Mail Online
11Terrifying Video Captures Sound of Explosion at Paris Stadium During Soccer Match | Video |
11Islamic State Claims Responsibility for Paris Terrorist Attacks |
11French President Hollande: This Is An 'Act Of War' By Islamic State, 'Planned From Outside'
11Paris terror attacks: Police identify first gunman as hunt for terrorists goes on - Telegraph
Paris Terror Attacks: Time for Leadership and Resolve in the Face of Evil
Brief thoughts about today’s news #Paris #Islam #Mizzou #terror #Yale
Paris is Only the Beginning
The Left
Freedom of
BrF:Gun, Campus, Executive, Immigration/Refugee, Climate, the Mess, Economic, Foreign, 2016, and the Other

Friday, November 13, 2015

A Plague of Unruly Children RL Nov 13 15

the Left
freedom of
Below the Fold: Campus, Defense, Refugee, Religion, Foreign, the Mess, Immigration, 2016, Economic, and the Others

Thursday, November 12, 2015

The Left Eats Its Own at MU Randon Links Nov 12 15

 BtF: Mizzou, 2016, the Mess, Economic, Foreign, and the mess

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Ferguson Effect and the Self-Destruction of the Academy RL Nov 11 15

Freedom of
Below the Fold: Mizzou, Climate, Economic, Think, the Mess, Defense, Foreign, Gender, Race, Refugee, 2016, Clinton, and the Other

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Missouri’s Lesson: the Campus Wars Are about Power, Not Justice RL Nov 10 15

Below the Fold: Freedom of,  Executive, Media, Think, Climate, Education, Economic, Election, Defense, The Mess, Refugee, Foreign, 2016, Congress, and the Other