- Iran
- Iran: Death to America, We Won, and We'll Do Whatever We Want With Your Billions - Guy Benson
- Lawmakers Warn There Are Two Secret Side Deals to Iran Nuclear Agreement That Won’t Even Be Shared With Congress | TheBlaze.com
- Ex-Congressman Allen West Explodes Over Iran Deal During Fiery and Emotional Times Square Speech
- …Susan Rice Admits Secret ‘Side Deals’
- Iran Vows to Buy Weapons Anytime, Anywhere
- The Way of All Appeasement
- Immigration
- Obama Admin: Improve 'Customer Service' for Illegal Aliens
- White House Dismisses Congressional Proposals to Block Funds for Sanctuary Cities
- WH Spox: GOP Has ‘No One To Blame But Themselves’ for Illegal Immigrant Crime
- Illegal Alien Crime Wave in Texas: 611,234 Crimes, 2,993 Murders | Rule of Law
- Executive
- IRS Used Donor Lists to Target Conservatives for Audits
- DHS Ignored 2008 Advice on Imminent EMP Disaster
- Obama Administration Taking Weeks to Hire Contractor to Help Those Affected by OPM Hack
- Army to recruiters: Treat armed citizens as security threat - U.S. - Stripes
- Think
- Everyone Subsidizes Everything
- Signs That America Has Already Gone Down The Toilet
- Americans Are Fleeing These US Cities In Droves
- Anti-Ideal: A Critic of Ayn Rand’s ‘Lost’ Novel Proves Her Point
- Libertarians Need Not Support The Confederacy
- America's Radical 'Foremost Intellectual'
- Knowing What We Can't Not Know
- And Here We Thought We’d Lost the War David French
- The Left
- The Nuclear Option — FLASH: Atticus Finch Is a Racist
- De Blasio Flies to Europe for Fourth Time This Year — to Give Environmentalism Speech!
- Code Pink’s DMZ Trip Criticized by Human Rights Activists
- Fantastic: Black Progressive Racists Really Pissed Off at White Progressives (Who Are Also, As Most Progressives Are, Racist)
- The Fact-Free Left: Part II
- Foreign
- David Cameron Declares War on 'Extremist' Speech - Hit & Run : Reason.com
- New Study: Female Genital Mutilation Now Blights Every Corner of England - Breitbart
- China Objects to ‘Routine’ US Flight over South China Sea
- Panel: Increasing Tension in South China Sea as China Seeks Regional Power
- ISIS Crucifixion Of Children Could Lead To A Christian Holocaust
- First China Arrests "Sellers", Now Bans "Defaulters" From Traveling
- US Government Reinstates Arm Sales To Bahrain Despite Rampant Human Rights Abuses
- 2016
- Press Loved O'Malley's 'Climate Change Plan' in June, Ignores His Linking It to the Rise of ISIS Now
- Paging Rush Limbaugh... | The Daily Caller
- Jeb Bush Wants Lobbyists Meetings Disclosed Online | The Daily Caller
- AFL-CIO Controlled Union Cancels Trump Border Tour Planned by Local Agents
- How Goldwater and Reagan Responded to Defeat
- Obama
- Obama Finalizing Plan to Close Gitmo, White House Says
- Obama Admin Plots More Exec Amnesty
- Obama on Daily Show: ‘Government Works Better Now Than It Probably Ever Has’
- Thanks to Obama, Racial Division Will Never End
- Obama Granting Gun Rights To Illegal Aliens While Dissolving Our Borders
- Obama: American In Name Only
- The Media Works To Inflate Obama’s Legacy
- Report: 3 million more children in poverty under Obama, 22% of all kids | Washington Examiner
- The Mess
- Kirsten Powers: Crush Planned Parenthood
- Europeans think American’s “addiction” to air conditioning is “stupid” « Hot Air
- A special prosecutor just for police? « Hot Air
- 'Six Californias' plan may make 2016 ballot
- The Way Lawmakers Use to Get Around the Earmark Ban
- Encryption Protects Free Speech: Lavabit's Ladar Levison on Online Freedom, Net Neutrality, and Cryptography - Reason.com
- The F-35: Throwing Good Money after Bad Mike Fredenburg
- TPP's Copyright Trap | Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Pope’s Popularity Plummets Among Americans
- Five Years After Dodd-Frank, Worry of ‘Too Big to Fail’ Still Persists
- Muslim Imam Reveals A Terrifying Secret About Mosques In One Of America's Largest Cities
- The Other
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