- Europe
- Greek Debt Committee Just Declared All Debt To The Troika "Illegal, Illegitimate, And Odious"
- Greece Set to Default and Steal Germany's Money; PM Tsipras To Meet with Russian Putin to Beg Him For Financial Support, In Exchange, I'm Sure, for Military Alliance
- Britain Preparing for Greek Euro Exit
- European Union Nations Fail to Agree on Refugee Plan
- U.S. Is Poised to Put Heavy Weaponry in Eastern Europe - The New York Times
- Welcome to Modern Britain Where Sexism is a Greater Crime Than Violent Jihadism
- Italian Families Protest Forced Cross-Dressing of Schoolchildren - Breitbart
- OPM Hack
- THE OPM HACK: Intel Community Warned White House of Impending "Digital Pearl Harbor"
- Let's Talk Some More About Rachel Dolezal, Media
- In 2014, the Office of the Inspector General Advised the OPM to Shut Down All Systems Operating Without Proper Security, Or Else Face National Security "Implications"
- Why are we Ignoring a Cyber Pearl Harbor?
- Economic
- Today Financial Journalism Suffered An Epic Failure
- Another Fed "Insider" Quits, Tells The Truth
- Former Fed Adviser Embraces Mises and the ABCT In an interview with CNBC today
- The only UN sustainable development goal needed is economic freedom
- How The Left Uses Deceptive Minimum-Wage Data
- It's Better To Be Poor in a 'Capitalist' Country Than Any Other Type of Country
- Executive
- Clinton administration bankrupted CIA ahead of 9/11, ex-director says - Washington Times
- Barro: White House Doesn’t Want to Admit There’s Not Much They Can Do About Islamic State
- Earnest: Islamic State’s Rise is on al-Maliki, Not Obama
- White House Press Room Flares: ‘Question the Premise all You Want, Just Answer the Question’
- This Bill Would Stop Obama Administration From Punishing People Who Stand Up for Marriage
- Trade
- New Trade Showdown Looms: Obama and GOP Leadership vs. Democrats
- Why Give Obama Authority to Negotiate ‘Most Progressive Trade Agreement’ in History?
- Jeff Sessions: "Obamatrade's 'New Pacific Union' Like the EU: Something America Has 'Never Seen' Before"
- Think
- First Amendment Centers - Mike Adams - Page full
- Rambling About the Passive-Authoritarian State
- The Washington Intellectual Gravy Train Intellectuals have long been glorified as champions of truth and defenders of society’s highest values.
- Is Third World America Inevitable? Over three decades, that border has been a causeway into the USA for millions of illegal immigrants who are changing the face of America
- Nanoaggressions: Testing the Limits of Libertarian Legal Doctrine : The Freeman : Foundation for Economic Education
- Obama and the Black Intellectualoids
- End Civil Service 'Merit' Protection
- What Pope Francis Will See When He Visits America
- Americans 'Moving Left' on Social Issues. Really?
- In the Real World, Not Hollywood, the Left Is Close-Minded, and the Right Allows Dissent David French
- What’s Wrong with Teaching Women to Avoid Rape? Charles C. W. Cooke
- First Mary Jo Kopechne, Then America
- The Left
- The Internalized Racism of White Leftists
- The Left's Bad Ideas About Science Are More Harmful Than the Right's - Reason.com
- ‘Heterosexual Privilege’ Denounced At University
- This Is What a School District’s $100K-Per-Year White-Privilege Conference Teaches Katherine Timpf
- Foreign
- Obama Offers Further Concessions to Keep Iran Nuclear Deal Alive
- Ashton Carter: We Equipped Iraqi Security Forces Too Slowly
- What’s behind Mexico’s military buying binge? Mexico's military is on a U.S. shopping spree
- Putin: Russia Adding 40 New Ballistic Missiles This Year
- China Says South China Sea Takeover ‘Complete’
- Visualizing Every Overseas Chinese Investment Over $100 Million
- For Luxury Car Markers, The Chinese "Cash Cow Is Dying"
- Foreign Policy Coup: De-Americanization of World's Conflicts
- The New World Map
- 2016
- Conservatives Should Support Supreme Court Term Limits - Gabe Roth
- How The GOP Could Win Pennsylvania
- Libertarian Moment Update: "Wall Street is getting tired of funding socially conservative Republicans..." - Hit & Run : Reason.com
- Winning Elections Isn’t Enough
- Hillary, Lord Acton, and Willie Sutton
- The Mess
- These Muslim Messages Are Popping Up Around The Entire U.S.
- Muruna, an Islamic threat
- Report: Brian Williams Not Fired… but Demoted to MNSBC!
- Law Enforcement Seizes $11,000 From 24-Year-Old at Airport Without Charging Him With a Crime
- Warning: Federal Court Rules that 2nd Amendment Right is Now a Reason for Cops to Detain You The 2nd Amendment has been ruled a justifiable reason for detainment. It is time to sound the alarm!
- Did The Classic Car Bubble Just Quietly Burst?
- California Labor Commission Pops The Uber Bubble, Says Workers Are Employees
- This Is Sick – Our U.S. Navy Is Facing Severe Consequences Over Green Energy Schemes
- Uber Screwed
- You've Been Warned: Calls For Mandatory "National Service" For Americans Aged 18-28 Have Begun
- Bill Clinton Says 'You Can't Have People Walking Around With Guns' - Hit & Run : Reason.com
- Regulation
- Federal Regulations Have Made You 75 Percent Poorer - Reason.com
- Trans Fat Consumption Has Declined 80% Since 2003 The FDA shouldn’t use its power to go after “unhealthy” ingredients; its focus is supposed to be on “unsafe” ingredients.
- Why The Trans Fat Ban Is Worse Than You Think
- After trans fat ban, what else should be removed from food? - CBS News
- The Other
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