- Foreign
- EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief - BBC News
- Despite Russian Denials, Ukraine Bracing for Violent Summer
- Report: Islamic State Kidnaps 500 Children Who Could Be Brainwashed to Become Terrorists and Suicide Bombers
- China: What the Matchup Looks Like
- The Future Of India's Monetary Policy Is Now "Monsoon Dependent"
- Immigration
- Coulter on Immigrant Influx: ‘American Women Are About to Find Out, You Never Had It So Good’
- Feds Lost Track of Foreign Nationals Released into U.S. on Intensive Supervision Program
- Future Democratic Voters Flooding Into the U.S.
- Supreme Court
- ‘Intentional’ Employment Discrimination No Longer Requires Intent
- Court Again Affirms You Have to Intend a Threat for It to Be a Threat
- Why Would a Devout Muslim Want to Work at Abercrombie and Fitch?
- The Supreme Court Tackles ‘Threatening’ Speech, and Strikes a Small Blow for Liberty Charles C. W. Cooke
- Think
- Marijuana Prohibition Is a Moral Scandal Built on a Mountain of Lies
- Pat Buchanan - Cultural Cleansing of Christian Males
- Is it Time To ‘Abolish The Family’?
- How To Curb The EPA’s Abuses
- Only Madisonian Civil Disobedience Can Turn Back the Tide of Intrusive Government
- The Nature of the People
- The Abercrombie & Fitch Case Has Nothing To Do With Religious Liberty
- Are We Allowed To Call Transabled People Mentally Disturbed?
- The GOP Is Incoherent On Iraq Because Democracies Can’t Wage War
- Fast Tracking the Decline in American Power
- The Global Pottersville Victor Davis Hanson
- Intellectual Dishonesty
- Shariah in US
- ISIS in America: Orange County Muslims Divided on DHS Cooperation
- Here Are the Responses One Filmmaker Got When He Went Around a Muslim Neighborhood in Minnesota Asking if People Preferred Shariah Law
- The Mess
- No one wants to work for the mayor of Baltimore
- Geraldo Unhinged! Vince Vaughn Sounds Like Timothy McVeigh… When Was the Last Time a Gun Stopped a Crime?
- About That DOJ “Right-Wing” Violence and Extremism Grant Story…..
- Auto Sales Reach 10 Year Highs On Record Credit, Record Loan Terms, & Record Ignorance
- Sounding The Alarm On The Country's Vulnerability To An EMP
- Why Do 'Feminists' Love the Ritual Shaming of Other Women So Much?
- Terrible News For Climate Catastrophists: The Sahara is Getting Greener
- Court Orders 'Vegan' Mother to Feed Her Son Proper Food - Breitbart
- Reporters are Witnesses at Hearing on Govt Transparency
- College Board's Reckless Spin on U.S. History | RealClearPolitics
- The College Board's Sabotage of American History
- The Left
- Progressives Try to Reform Society; Conservatives Work to Improve Themselves
- Green Activists Explain How To Brainwash Children With Climate Pornography - Breitbart
- Mark Levin – Tyranny Is Here, This Is the Revolution, It’s Happening Now
- The Steep Cost of Politicians’ Scapegoating the Police in Baltimore
- Congress
- Louie Gohmert Tells Bureau of Land Management: ‘Keep Up The Arrogance’ – We’ll Cut Your Budget…
- Kill the Export-Import Bank
- Rand Paul Calls for Declassification of Congressional 9/11 Inquiry
- Report on Ex-Im Finds Problems With Transparency, Cronyism
- Homeland
- The FBI is operating a small air force to spy on Americans
- FBI is behind mysterious surveillance aircraft over U.S. cities
- DHS Has No Idea How Many ‘Security Risks’ Slipped Past Border
- Undetected Bombs and Weapons Underscore Uselessness of TSA Airport Gauntlet - Hit & Run : Reason.com
- The Dangerous Unseriousness Of Rand Paul
- Dana Perino: Rand Paul Is "Completely Out Of Touch With Republican Voters"
- Report: The FBI is Operating a Domestic Surveillance Flight Program Without Warrants Or Oversight….
- Video: Shep Smith Immediately Hits WH Spox Josh Earnest With Tough Bush-Related Question
- CA
- California Senate Approves Healthcare for Illegal Immigrants
- Water restrictions to go into effect for California
- Clinton
- Clinton Global Initiative Hatched on Private Plane to Davos
- HRC EMAILS: Federal officials voiced growing alarm over Clinton’s compliance with records laws, documents show
- 10 FUN FACTS: Hillary Clinton’s Email Scandal
- The Clinton Foundation Took Money from Saudi Propagandists Joel Gehrke
- National Archives Leadership Held Serious Concerns About Secretary Clinton’s Secrecy Choices To Avoid Record-Keeping…
- Executive
- Leaked DHS report details 'risk' of sovereign citizens
- U.S. Scrutinizes Conduct of Movie Theaters - WSJ
- Obama: 'I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat' in the Oval Office
- The Obamacare Death Spiral Is Still Coming
- 1,000 Rebels To Quit Fighting ISIS; Here’s Why The Obama Admin Is To Blame
- 11Press Challenged to Be Tougher on Obamacare Exchange
- Fed Mouthpiece Jon Hilsenrath Furious "Stingy" US Consumers Refuse To Buy The "Recovery" Propaganda
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