Monday, April 6, 2015

Random Links April 06 15

   The Mess
Labor Lawyer: Employers Need to Get Ready for NLRB Ambush
Why Are US Colleges So Afraid of Letting Students Speak Freely?
Tom Cotton Calls for More Defense Spending, Modernization
Why a Russian Decided to Fight for Ukraine
Operation Jade Helm: Should We Be Worried?
Congress to SCOTUS: You only have yourself to blame for bootleg recording
A Flawed Legal Analysis Is Helping Lois Lerner
Feds Consider Puerto Ricans Disabled Because They Speak Spanish
Eardrum-Shattering Muslim Call To Jihad Forced On 50 States
9,000 Deaths A Year Caused by Worshipping at Altar of Gov’t Healthcare
Army Soldiers Sit Through ‘White Privilege’ Presentation - and the Backlash 
Angry White House Press Sending List Of Demands To Obama | The Daily Caller  
The Return of Preemption 
The Left Is Dumb
The New Anti-Atheists
Benghazi, Bergdahl, and the Bomb 
Defending the Right to Discriminate
Moral Bullies and the Laws That Enable Them
   Free Association
-The Controversy in Indiana Is Trumped Up—but RFRA Isn’t a Good Law 
-Big Ruling in Case of Bakery That Refused to Decorate Bible-Shaped Cakes With Anti-Gay Messages 
-Indiana’s Law Is Part of America’s Tradition of Tolerance
-In Indiana, Hysteria as a Bludgeon 
-The Nazi Cake Jewish Bakeries Will Be Forced To Sell. THANKS GAY MAFIA! 
BtF - Iran, Economy, Ca Water, Amnesty And The Others

Report Says Iran Is Preparing Military Action if Talks Over Nuclear Deal Fail
NBC's Ann Curry: Iran Deal Means Potential Nobel Peace Prize for Kerry
Obama Details Sympathy For Iran in Nuclear Deal
The Most Troubling Line in Obama’s NYT Interview
NPR: The Deal Struck with Iran Was Not the Deal Announced by President
26 Economic Policy Reforms That Could Get Passed By Congress 
This Is Why US Just Lost Its Superpower Status According To Larry Summers
The Truth About Ex-Im
Why Aren't Young People Starting Businesses Anymore?
John Hussman Explains Why QE Has Done Nothing To Help You
Calf. Water
-Potential 2016 Contender Explains How California Liberals Caused Current Water Crisis
-Carly Fiorina on the Calif. Crisis That’s a ‘Classic Case of Liberals Being Willing to Sacrifice Other People’s Lives and Livelihoods’ 
UC Irvine Student: US Flag Banned to Avoid 'Triggering' Illegals
 ACLU Demands Illegal Immigrant ABORTIONS | The Daily Caller
 The Others
Monday morning links - Maggie's Farm
Saturday morning links - Maggie's Farm
Larwyn's Linx: Iran Framework Deal: Greatest Political Hoax Ever?
Larwyn's Linx: Kill the Deal
Ace of Spades HQ Monday Morning News Dump

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