Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Random Links March 31 15

Fall Of The West
Multiculturalism’s Denigration of Western Values
Western Democracy Or Tyrannical Dictatorship? You Decide
The End of Tolerance And Enforced Morality
 Right of Free Association
-The New Intolerance: We Are Now Required To Embrace Just About Everything, Except the Gutter Religion Christianity
-‘How Obscene Has Our Country Become?’: Beck Fears This Could Happen as a Result of Religious Freedom Law
-Indiana Backlash Shows Left’s Hatred for First Amendment
-Gay Marriage Isn’t About Justice, It’s About Selma Envy 
-Corporations Can’t Have Consciences, Unless They Oppose Mike Pence
-In Defense of Indiana, Rich Lowry 
  Forcing Unions
NLRB Rolls Out Ambush Elections Regs at SEIU HQ
Obama Vetoes Attempt to Halt Ambush Elections 
 Prosecutor Held Hostage in Istanbul by Armed Banned Socialist Group Has Died:
 Russia Again Flight Tests New ICBM to Treaty-Violating Range
 Immigration Takes Center Stage in UK Elections
 Obama’s Other Executive Action on Immigration
 Obama’s Plan to Slash US Greenhouse Gas Emissions By Nearly 30 Percent 
 Obama Administration Blocks Secret Service From Meeting With Congress
 Justice Dept. Sues University In OK For Discriminating Against Transgender Employee
Justice Department Curbs Use of Asset Forfeiture to Seize Bank Accounts
 The Mess
-Reid: No Regrets for 2012 Romney Taxes Claim‘Romney Didn’t Win, Did He?’
-Mayor de Blasio Was Just Given the Power to ‘Expel’ Dozens of Churches From Renting Public School Space. But…
-How 'Net Neutrality' Is Recipe for Crony Capitalism
-When lawmakers don't even know how many laws exist, how can citizens be expected to follow them? - Maggie's Farm
What ‘Justified’ Really Says About Modern Manhood And Westerns 
Accuracy in the Information Age
Obama’s Chicago Presidency Victor Davis Hanson 794Shares
An Unconscionable Smear: Israel, Race, and the American Left
Obama’s Coming Break with Israel
 Iran Defector: Time Will Reveal True Motive Behind America's Decision to 'Negotiate on Iran's Behalf' - Breitbart

 Gohmert, Cotton: U.S. Needs to Walk from These Talks
 Iran talks 'deadline' as meaningless as Obama's Syria red line
 Former IAEA Deputy Head Heinonen Warns Against Obama’s Iran Deal
 Guy Benson - Krugman: All of These 'Imaginary' Obamacare Horror Stories Are 'Invented'
 ObamaCare Pushes Colleges to Dump Student Health Plans - Investors.com
Dem Rep Assumes Hillary Clinton Sent Classified Information on Her Personal Email Server 
Journalist who Unveiled Hillary Spy Network Draws Iran Contra Parallel
The Others
Ace of Spades HQ Tuesday Morning News Dump
Tuesday morning links - Maggie's Farm
Larwyn's Linx: Obama Came in Like a Wrecking Ball for Israel


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