I have held on to these hopping to comment but haven't. Some of this is very wrong headed and made me want to throw the computer across the room.( i didn't it isn't its fault) some of it is interesting ideas and thought. Some of it is explanation of thing that i don't understand how other don't get. Some of the sites are horrible some great. I will highlight some. In no order:
The Wisdom Of Our Elders
---American Thinker: Obama, Hillary and Alinsky's Tactics ---
Can Breakthrough Science Survive Market Forces? - FORA.tv
Thoughts.com Blogs - This one crosses the line too *About Terrorists*
Book TV - Where Have All the Leaders Gone?
---Foreign Policy: Europe’s Philosophy of Failure---
The Liberal Traits of Fascism | Jonah Goldberg - FORA.tv
The Highwaymen
---Firedoglake - Firedoglake weblog » The End of America’s Genius? ---
TCS Daily - Mandates for Change
---Communicating with Twentysomethings ---
---The Dumbing Of America - washingtonpost.com ---
Intelligence: Back to Black
A Good Read No Matter Which Party You Choose - Hear My Thunder
Unqualified Reservations: How to actually defeat the US government
Townhall.com::The Ecstacy of Barack::By Kathleen Parker
Rod Dreher: Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a modern-day prophet | Dallas Morning News | News for Dallas, Texas | Columnists: Rod Dreher
You Say You Wan’t A Revoluiton? Well, You Know… « The Conservatard
---The Last Europe: Death by Self-Annihilation | The Brussels Journal ---
The Raw Story | Texans protest against planned NAFTA superhighway
The August Review - The North American Union and the Larger Plan
AlterNet: Democracy and Elections: When Change Is Not Enough: Seven Steps to Revolution
---The day socialism comes to America ---
Democracy Now! | Gen. Wesley Clark Weighs Presidential Bid: "I Think About It Everyday"
Reason Magazine - Hit & Run > Jonah Goldberg on His New Book, Liberal Fascism
Crooked Timber » » “Heil Myself!” (and other rude Goldberg devices)
"The Party Faithful," by Amy Sullivan: Evangelical Christians and the Democratic Party | Salon
A cry to control gun violence
---RealClearPolitics - Articles - Guns Save Lives ---
---The Problem With Biofuels - washingtonpost.com ---
---Townhall.com::A Lesson From Venezuela::By Thomas Sowell ---
Conceived in Liberty, Volume 1 - Mises Economics Blog
Our Nation's Future - Public Life
20 Things I'm Glad Life Taught Me
Do You Recognize the 7 Ingredients of Maturity?
The Undercurrent | Faith and Reason: Friends or Foes?
The Undercurrent | Yes, Religion Does Take Us Back into the Dark Ages
The Problem with Atheists « evanescent
Objectivist Round-Up 32 « evanescent
Hoover Institution - Events - The Koret Task Force on the No Child Left Behind Act
---Do Americans Care About Big Brother? - TIME---
The Obama Bargain - WSJ.com
The lessons of Iraq. - By William Saletan - Slate Magazine
Fox on the Run - TIME
Gore launches $300 million campaign - Mike Allen - Politico.com
---American Thinker: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx---
---Reason Magazine - The Cunning Linguist ---
George Carlin Dies at 71 » Outside The Beltway | OTB
Best Radical Middle Political Books of the 2000s
Just Say No Deal
---NOVA | The Elegant Universe | Watch the Program | PBS---
Global Warming Science and Public Policy - Proved: There is no climate crisis
Moonbattery: APS Confesses: Emperor Has No Clothes
American Thinker: The Complex Success of the Surge
The Strata-Sphere » NASA Discovers 70% Of Global Climate Due To Pacific Ocean Oscillations - Not CO2
Things One Should Not Forget The Quickening
Jonah Goldberg, Liberal Fascism, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Hillary Clinton Salon News
---NOVA Intelligent Design on Trial Watch the Program PBS ---
Ralph Nader When the Big Boys Get in Trouble, Who Pays the Ultimate Bill
Roots and Wings What's Wrong With Kids These Days
Christopher Hitchens Debates Alister McGrath - FORA.tv
VDARE.com 01-15-08 - Flashman, Ron Paul, James Kirchick—And Liberty
The Page - by Mark Halperin - TIME
---Why Great Minds Can't Grasp Consciousness LiveScience ---
United States - International Diplomacy - Economic Trends - World Economy - Politics - New York Times
Uncommon Knowledge Christopher Hitchens - FORA.tv
---Ralph Nader - FORA.tv ---
Paul Hawken The New Great Transformation - FORA.tv
Anthony Bourdain No Reservations - FORA.tv
Uncommon Knowledge Victor Davis Hanson - FORA.tv
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