- Islam
- media
- Tubman
- thinks
- Below the fold: politic, econ., foreign, SCOTUS, congress, freedom of, executive, climate, Clinton, campus, defense, the left, the mess, 2016, and the other
- money
- gender
- thinks
- BtF: executive, the left, freedom of, congress, defense, campus, the mess, 2016, and the other
- politic
- freedom of
- thinks
- BtF: Islam, media, economic, the left, defense, migration, congress, the mess, Clinton, and the other
- the left
- defense
- Islam
- freedom of
- thinks
- BtF: 2016, executive, gender, climate, campus, politic, Clinton, the mess, and the others
- politic
- think
- defense
- BtF:econ,. foreign, executive, freedom of, race, campus, 2016, media, the mess, the left, and the others
- freedom of
- climate
- economic
- defense
- race
- BtF: thinks, campus, media, gender, foreign, 2016, the lrft, the mess, and the others
- campus
- climate
- gender
- politic
- freedom of
- BtF: thinks, the left, Clinton, econ., the mess, Islam, media, defense, and the others
- economic
- politic
- Islam
- thinks
- climate
- BtF: campus, freedom of, defense, media, migration, the left, executive, foreign, Clinton, 2016, and the others
- gun
- freedom of
- Islam
- migration
- Below the fold: foreign, executive, media, thinks, the left, climate, defense, econ., campus, Clinton, politic, the mess, 2016, and the others
- speech
- campus
- vote
- the left
- BtF: Islam, freedom of, politic, defense, 2016, foreign, media, thinks, and the others
- Islam
- economic
- freedom of
- the left
- BtF: the mess, thinks, foreign, executive, congress, campus, 2016, and the other
- thinks
- freedom of
- the left
- congress
- climate
- BtF: econ., media, Islam, defense, foreign,216, and the others
- Security
- Islam
- defense
- politic
- Iran
- BtF: thinks, executive, foreign, the left, media, economic, migration, Clinton, the mess, 2016, and the others
- freedom of
- Clinton
- the left
- defense
- BtF: thinks, 2016, econ., foreign, campus, migration,the mess, and the others
- freedom of
- Islam
- thinks
- defense
- BtF: foreign, the mess, econ., campus. the left, Clinton, 2016, and the others