- Government Think
- America Has Leaders Who Will Say Anything
- Our political class has forgotten every lesson learned from 9/11
- Here Is One Reason Why No One Can Stand What’s Coming Out of D.C.
- Do We Still Have Unalienable Rights?
- There’s A Big Difference Between A Republic And A Democracy
- In the Left’s Story of Government, the State Is Always the Hero Jonah Goldberg
- The Human Cost Of Socialism In Power
- Executive
- Special Report: State Department watered down human trafficking report | Reuters
- Obama climate change pivot after Iran deal - POLITICO
- Barack Obama's Unholy Alliance: A Romance With Islamism | Frontpage Mag
- State Department: Radical Islam is Losing, But Also Growing
- USDA Wasted $6.2 Million on Cars It Doesn’t Use
- Iran
- Iran Reportedly Finds Big Uranium Reserve, Quashing Western Estimates | Video | TheBlaze.com
- ran Deal -- Sanctions Are Ended by Corker Legislation | National Review Online
- Surprise! Iran Finds "Unexpectedly High" Uranium ReserveSurprise! Iran Finds "Unexpectedly High" Uranium Reserve
- More Setbacks for Iran
- The Real Purpose of the Nuclear Deal: Support Iran and Stick It to Israel
- "Refugee"
- Toddler’s dad a ‘people smuggler’
- Josh Earnest’s Most Dangerous Lie
- GERMANY AND THE HIJRAH: New Laws May Force Homeowners to Rent Properties to Migrants
- 72 Democrats Demand 130,000 Unvetted Syrian Refugees Come Into the United States
- Behind The Media Propaganda: Father Of "Drowned Syrian Boy" Was People Smuggler
- Forget The Greek Crisis, Immigration Will Divide Europe Against Itself
- The False Idol of Compassion for Migrants and Refugees
- The Refugee Crisis Presents An Opportunity, As Long As The West Doesn’t Blow It
- Immigration
- Sanctuary City enjoys skyrocketing rates of murder, rape « Hot Air
- Growing El Niño May Launch Huge Latino Migration to USA
- Bringing Even 10,000 Syrian Migrants To America Is A Mistake
- Homeland Security Chairman Warns U.S. Doesn't Have Proper Vetting System For 10,000 Syrian Refugees
- Easy for you to say: To the elites on mass immigration - Maggie's Farm
- Freedom of
- Congress eyes privacy rights for non-U.S. citizens | TheHill
- Apple, in refusing backdoor access to data, may face fines | ZDNet
- Nine Liberties Lost Since 9/11
- Think
- Mass Stupidity
- Wasn't Always This Way - Walter E. Williams - Page 1
- 5 Ways Europe Is Reviving The 1930s
- America’s Suffering From a Crisis of Confidence
- The Not-Trump-Not-Bush Republican Primary
- When Christians Are More Open-Minded Than Liberals
- The Joy of Children
- Syria's Civil War in Perspective
- The Real Student-Loan Scandal Kevin D. Williamson 0Shares
- Women in Combat Endanger Their Fellow Soldiers’ Lives David French
- the Mess
- Fellow Sex Slave: ISIS Ripped Off Kayla Mueller's Fingernails
- Trumka Doesn’t Know the Difference Between a Socialist and a Democrat
- Two South Carolina Abortion Clinics Suspended Less Than a Month After Gov. Haley’s Investigation | TheBlaze.com
- Crossing Borders With Gold And Silver Coins - A Glimpse Of Things To Come
- How an Alabama Woman Used Voter Fraud to Get Her Boyfriend Elected
- ‘Something’s Wrong’: Sources Express Concern Over Spy Chief’s ‘Unusual’ Contact With Military Official at Center of ISIS Intel Scandal
- What’s Behind the Large Medicare Part B Premium Hike for Seniors?
- Foreign
- Socialist Corbyn wins UK Labour leadership in landslide - Yahoo News
- Brooks: ‘We Have a Responsibility To Take In More Refugees’ From Syria
- China Just Sent a Message to America: Don’t Mess With Us
- Lawmakers Push to Declare ISIS’ Targeting of Christians ‘Genocide’
- Bank Caught Using Fake Gold As Reserve Capital In Russia
- Visualizing China's Mind-Boggling Consumption Of The World's Raw Materials
- Economic
- Five Years After the Recession, Only 21% of Small Businesses Say They’ve Recovered
- $2.88 Trillion: Gov’t Collects Record-High Taxes in First 11 Months of FY 2015
- "Tick... Tock"
- the Left
- Politically Correct “Lord of the Flies” - The New Yorker
- Not Content With Mayoral Powers, De Blasio Seeks National Influence
- Cops, Media Barred From Black Lives Matter Meeting
- Say What? – Yes Alice, Deray McKesson Will Be Teaching at Yale…
- Colleges brainwash students into believing 9/11 was our fault | New York Post
- The University Of Tennessee’s Pronoun Problems Indict Higher Education
- College Ruled Republican Students Couldn’t Plant American Flags in Quad to Remember 9/11 Victims. How Do You Suppose That One Went Over?
- Experts Concerned We’ve Sent Sexist Messages to Space Katherine Timpf
- 2016
- Donald Trump Is the Republican Party's Tone-Setter | National Review Online
- Salon: Donald Trump’s ‘Call of the Wild’ Beyond Racism, Nativism — Plays to ‘Embattled Tribal Identity of White America’
- The “Trump Conservative War” – The Great Trumpian Divide – National Review VS Mainstreet…
- Donald Trump: Conservatives Should Not Support Him | National Review Online
- Media
- CNN’s President Reportedly Gets an Earful From Staffers Fed Up With Excessive Donald Trump Coverage
- Glenn Beck in His Own Words: ‘Maybe I Need to Leave the Media and Public Life’
- Politico Bureau Chief Falsely Attacks Boehner For Ignoring 9/11 Anniversary
- Watermelon
- How Pope Francis Came to Embrace Not Just Climate Justice but Liberation Theology | The Nation
- Poor nations want U.S. to pay reparations for extreme weather
- Clinton
- Newly Released State Dept Letter Seems to Dispute Big Claim Made By Lawyer for Longtime Clinton Aide | TheBlaze.com
- Clinton Defenders Now Contend Clinton’s Private Email Helped Keep Information More Secure
- EXCLUSIVE: Nevada Election Officials Investigating Hillary Campaign
- …Clinton Consulted Focus Group Before Apologizing for Emails
- Clinton Aide Huma Abedin Defrauded State Dept. – DOJ Refuses To Prosecute…
- Time to Wet the Bed
- the Other
- Ace of Spades HQ Overnight Open Thread (11 Sep 2015)
- Saturday morning links - Maggie's Farm
- Friday morning links - Maggie's Farm
- Larwyn's Linx: Mark Levin to McConnell: You will have blood on your hands for the rest of your life
- Larwyn's Linx: Senator says Obama wants to 'open floodgates' to Syrian refugees and ISIS terrorists
- 10 Things to Know for Today
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